Quote from Lothar Schreyer:
“The word ‘utopia’ has been doing the rounds for a while, at the Bauhaus and among everyone in Weimar who had dealings with the Bauhaus. This has led people to worry about the extent to which the Bauhaus could become reality, or whether it would have to remain a utopia. After all, utopia is the construction of an idea whose realisation observers believe from the outset to be impossible.”
Angela Pfotenhauer wrote in June 2009 in her essay for monumente-online.de, „
Fasse Dich kurz!“ Vor 90 Jahren forderte das Bauhaus Revolution – statt Dekoration:
“With ‘New Building’ they wanted to create spaces for the ‘new human’. And the new human, that was the sovereign citizen of the democratic society, in which the worker possessed the same rights and duties as the industrialist. Bauhaus was about revolution, not decoration. And revolution is not about expensive, narcissistic one-offs for a small elite of taste. Instead it means observing every manufacturing process with an eye to simplification, in order to increase the speed and volume of production while reducing the price.
An architect working for local government in the 1920s would have witnessed great poverty every day, whether in Berlin, Dessau or Frankfurt am Main. And the consequences too, the spread of epidemics like tuberculosis through unhygienic housing with poor heating and ventilation. Then as now, the challenge was how to expand the availability of clean, healthy affordable housing? That is only possible if the construction process itself is analysed and rationalised, the dimensions normed wherever possible, the construction elements manufactured independently of weather and season, and then rapidly assembled on the prepared site. Students and teachers at the Bauhaus worked on experimental houses to explore these aspects. How that transferred to series, so to speak the reality test, was demonstrated by Ernst May with his large-scale housing development programme for Frankfurt am Main (New Frankfurt).”
Source (German original):