Wie funktioniert Macht? Mit Kafka über Macht nachdenken

Geoffroy de Lagasnerie im Gespräch mit Athena Athanasiou


Based on Geoffroy de Lagasnerie's new book "Distrusting Kafka", an inspiring reading of Kafka's texts and a sharp analysis of our present day, Athena Athanasiou discusses power structures, arbitrariness, and violence with the author.

Without having done anything wrong, Josef K. is arrested one morning. With this beginning of the novel "The Trial", along with other stories, Franz Kafka has developed powerful images of the arbitrariness of an anonymous and mysterious justice system. These images leave us stunned and searching for meaning. But do Kafka's stories help us understand power, the judicial system, and judgment?

Geoffroy de Lagasnerie sheds light on Kafka's texts within the philosophical discussions of recent years and develops his own position, taking into account both the literary and sociological perspectives, and drawing parallels with today's police violence and arbitrariness.


Geoffroy de Lagasnerie is one of France's most important intellectuals. He is a professor of philosophy and sociology at the École nationale supérieure d'arts de Paris-Cergy. He is the editor of the book series "à venir" (Fayard) and "Nouvel avenir" (Flammarion), and maintains a blog on the news portal "Mediapart".
His books, primarily on political, social, and legal philosophy, have been translated into numerous languages, including "Die Kunst der Revolte" (2016), "Verurteilen" (2017), "Denken in einer schlechten Welt" (2019), and most recently "3 - Ein Leben außerhalb" (2023). In 2016, he received the Prix de l'Écrit Social. Geoffroy de Lagasnerie lives in Paris.


Athena Athanasiou is Professor of Social Anthropology and Gender Theory at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Athens, Greece). Her publications include Agonistic Mourning: Political Dissidence and the Women in Black (Edinburgh University Press, 2017); Dispossession: The Performative in the Political (with Judith Butler, Polity Press, 2013); Crisis as a 'State of Exception' (Athens, 2012); Life at the Limit: Essays on Gender, Body and Biopolitics (Athens, 2007); and Rewriting Difference: Luce Irigaray and 'the Greeks' (with Elena Tzelepis, SUNY Press, 2010). She has held fellowships at the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women at Brown University and at the Center for the Study of Social Difference at Columbia University. She is/was a member of the editorial boards of Critical Times, Feminist Formations, Philosophy and Society, feministiqά, The Greek Review of Social Research, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, and Journal of Greek Media and Culture.

The following book by Geoffroy de Lagasnerie has been published in Greek by Plethron Books:
"Thinking in a Bad World"
Η σκέψη μέσα σε έναν κακό κόσμο | Plethron Books



Omirou 14-16
106 72 Athens

Language: French, Greek and English with simultaneous translation
Price: Free entrance

210 3661044 kultur.athen@goethe.de