For young learners aged 14-16 years
Learning with all your senses at the Goethe Summer Language Camp
On to the next adventure
In this one-week German course, we invite young people between the ages of 14 and 16 to discover and experience: With exciting activities, we embark together on an adventure journey across German-speaking cultures. With lots of movement, music and motivating language games, we will explore selected cities and landscapes while creating short videos, reading comics and trying out simple recipes. Of course, we will only speak German
The camp is led by
Trippo Sándor. #werzeugkistedaf
Mitarbeiter*innen - Goethe-Institut Ungarn
Both professionally and privately, I like to travel a lot:
As a didactician I move between different learning and teaching cultures, as a comic researcher I explore the imagery of German graphic novels, and in my free time I also like to go on various trips. When I can't travel (for example because of Corona), I learn a new language or embark on a culinary trip around the world in the kitchen with my wife. With my activities, I also want to inspire others to leave old paths and go new ways.
Location: Budapest, Szent Gellért Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
1012 Budapest, Kosciuszkó Tádé utca 3.
Directions: 105, 178 bus, 56, 56A tram
Lunch at
Mákos Guba Restaurant Mákos Guba Bistro
We are looking forward to your registration!
Please write a short text. Answer at least three questions:
- Why are you learning German?
- What do you enjoy about learning German? Give an example.
- What tips can you give for learning languages?
- What does it mean to you to know foreign languages?
- What do you expect from this German course?
Write 70-120 words.
Show us how well you can already write German!
Please tell us in the registration form from which course books and for how many years you have been learning German, and please send us the completed registration form. We will inform you about the oral placement by e-mail.
Deadline of the registration:
9. June 2023