
Designfold © Goethe-Institut Jordanien

Amman, Jordan
17 – 19 June 2023

Design is an influencer—its impacts and crossovers are manifold. The education of design, however, is the springboard for stirring change and growth; it is the driving force for the progress and development of the creative economy.

Designfold is a conference focusing on exploring alternative narratives of individual journeys in the design field, starting from education and training methodologies and ending with understanding the successful impact of design as a vital economic driver of the creative industries. It examines intersecting aspects of identity and context, while featuring the innovative approaches of designers that push the limits of the creative processes. 
In its three thematic folds Communities to Empower; Identity and Context; Future-Centric Design, the conference pays particular attention to gender-sensitive topics, and sustainability in relation to the future of the design discipline. It discusses the untapped potential in the creative markets in the region and globally, and sheds light on the challenges and opportunities related to equality and representation in the sector. 
Scheduled from June 17-19, 2023, Designfold serves as a regional platform uniting educators, trainers, mentors, and design professionals from Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Germany. Throughout the conference, participating guest speakers and attendees will have the opportunity to connect, exchange new perspectives, share experiences, and learn from one another. In that way, Designfold seeks to foster the acquisition of new practices and insights that will contribute to the growth and development of the regional design community.
Designfold will be hosted by the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, third floor, Princess Wijdan bint Fawaz building, 17-19 June 2023, from 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm.

Registration to attend is currently open through

Attendance is free of charge.

Designfold is organized by takween in collaboration with Fantasmeem in Beirut and Khan Al Fan in Erbil.

For the past 4 years, takween has been offering learning and networking opportunities that support designers in Jordan. The aim of the program is to qualify designers with entrepreneurial skills and knowledge needed to serve the creative job markets of today.
More information:

Takween, fantasmeem and Khan Al Fan are part of the Global Project on Culture and Creative Industries which is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut.
