Ahmed Gaafar

Habwwa Goethe Institut - Jordan © Dima Mosleh

Habwah is a database and mobile application for young Yemeni artists residing in Hadhramaut Governorate, for the purpose of networking, generating job opportunities, producing joint artworks, and presenting their artworks to the public and cultural authorities. The mobile app also provides a directory of supportive institutions in arts as well as the service of notifying users about the artistic news and opportunities available locally and abroad.

Ahmed Gaafar © © Goethe Institut - Jordan Ahmed Gaafar © Goethe Institut - Jordan
Ahmed Gaafar, IT engineer, seeks to provide digital solutions for developing the cultural sector. He is a cultural activist who founded and co-founded a number of cultural initiatives and foundations in Hadhramaut Governorate and provided ideas and proposals for unique cultural projects. He is a short story writer and scriptwriter who published a collection of short storiesbook entitled Water Constitutes their Souls and wrote several documentary films related to the Yemeni heritage and identity that have won several awards, the most recent one is the short film Cake and Sugar which won the Best International Documentary Award at the Al-Sharqiya International Film Festival 2023.

Favourite Moment
"The moment when I saw the names of the artists, their pictures, and their artworks through the mobile application with the ability to reach the artist by name or city of residence is one my favorite moments. We have been waiting a long time for it and we are sure that the app will be useful for everyone working in the art sector."
