Blended Learning

Goethe-Institut Osaka Kyoto

Weekly in-person lessons, flexible self-learning

Book a course
Illustration einer Lerngruppe mit mehreren Teilnehmern
  • 90 minute in-person lesson per week
  • Talk to your group and to your teacher
  • Learn intensively and fast in 8 weeks

Balanced combination of face-to-face lessons and of corresponding online learning

This course is an ideal choice, if you want to learn German according to our standard program, but faster at flexible times. The balanced combination of face-to-face classes and of online learning leads to optimal learning results.


  • Level

  • Start
    February, April, June, August, October, December

  • Duration
    8 weeks

  • Hours per week
    7 hours online self-learning、1,5 hours in-person lesson

  • Participants
    max. 15

  • Price
    69,000 Yen

Gruppe und Lerner an Laptop

How the course works

Learning platform
You learn individually through varied and authentic tasks on our learning platform - simply, flexibly and effectively.
Support from the teacher

Your teacher accompanies you in your learning process and gives you individual feedback as well as useful learning tips.
In-person lessons

The 90-minute face-to-face classes take place once a week. There you will meet your teacher and your group and practice speaking. Through ample conversation exercises, discussions and presentations, you will develop your speaking skills.
By efficiently combining online learning and in-person classes, the course duration can be reduced by half to achieve the same language level as in a standard course.

Test our courses

Try our free lessons and take a closer look at what learning German with our online platform looks like. Choose between “A1 - First steps for beginners without prior knowledge”, “A1 - Beginners with prior knowledge” and “A2 – Advanced” and work on the original exercises from our courses.


If you have any questions, please contact: