Martin Buber and the individual in Modernity. One hundred years 'I and Thou'

Martin Buber-Workshops "Martin Buber und das Individuum der Moderne. Hundert Jahre 'Ich und Du'"
Flyer: Martin Buber-Workshops "Martin Buber und das Individuum der Moderne. Hundert Jahre 'Ich und Du'"

The dialogical principle and the modern individual in philosophy and theology

Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa, Hall

The Martin Buber Society organizes the workshop "Martin Buber and the individual in Modernity. One hundred years 'I and Thou'" in cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Germanistik Osaka-Kobe and the Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa.


10:30 Prof. Dr. 森岡 正芳/Masayoshi, Morioka (Ritsumeikan University)
The Other and Imagining the Real (Realphantasie) in Buber: from the field of psychological counselling (Talk in English)

11:10 Prof. Dr. 広瀬 悠三/Hirose, Yuzo (Kyoto University):
Vertrauen und Martin Bubers dialogisches Individuum (Talk in German)

11:50 Lunch Break

13:00 Dr. 谷山 弘太/Taniyama Kota (Kyorin University Tokyo):
Ich und Du? Nietzsche, Buber und das Individuum (Talk in German)

13:40 Prof. Dr. 堀川 敏寛/Horikawa, Toshihiro (Toyo Eiwa University Yokohama):
Bubers Verständnis des Individuums in seiner Bibelauslegung (Talk in German)

14:20 Dr. 青木 崇/Aoki, Takashi (Kyoto University of the Arts)
“Ich und Du” as the political? Martin Buber and Hannah Arendt (Talk in English)

15:00 Prof. Dr. 嘉目 道人/Yoshime, Michihito (Osaka University):
Re-encountering the Gestalt in Our Lifeworld: Buber and Habermas on Dialogue of Art. (Talk in English)

15:40 Short closing discussion and end of session

Workshop on April 6th 2024 at the Osaka University


Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa, Hall

Sakyo-ku, Yoshida
Kawahara-cho 19-3
606-8305 @@country@@

Language: German and English

Price: Admission free
Registration not required