
Diverse. Open to all.

Our library is a place for people to meet, to read and learn German, to discover German literature and films, for inspiration and exchange.

Library Goethe-Institut Korea Foto (Detail): © Goethe-Institut Korea

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German Books

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German magazines

We have a collection of German-language newspapers and magazines available for reading or borrowing.

Visit us


132, Sowol-ro, Yongsan-gu
04328 Seoul
South Korea

Opening hours

Mon–Fri 08:30–19:00

Sat 08:30–18:00

Mon, Thu, Fri 14:00–18:00

Tue, Wed 10:00–12:00 Uhr, 16:00–19:00

Sat 13:00–17:00

A person sitting at the long table in the library. © Goethe-Institut Korea

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