
Global Week for Syria
© Global Week for Syria

Beirut | AUB Assembly Hall

Each year, the Global Week for Syria in Lebanon brings together renowned Syrian and international musicians to improvise and stimulate artistic co-creation. Within this framework, German guitarist and composer Florian Zenker will be improvising with Lynn Adib (SY), Gerard Kleijn (NL), Samuel Rohrer (CH), Guillermo Celano (ARG), and Maryana Golovchenko (UKR/NL). Zenker studied jazz guitar in The Hague, Netherlands, and has played with various international formations all over the world. During his Beirut stay, he will as well perform in several other concerts.  

The 5th Global Week for Syria in Lebanon takes place from 3 to 12 July 2019 in Beirut, Tripoli, and other places. All events are free of charge.


Beirut | AUB Assembly Hall
