Living and working in Germany

Have you decided to live permanently in Germany for professional or private reasons? Do you therefore need language skills and information about life in Germany? The Goethe-Institut offers you qualified support in your preparation.

People on the street. © Getty Images, Jedrzej Kaminski EyeEm


Would you like to receive regular updates on cultural events and current projects of Goethe-Institut Libanon? Subscribe to our Newsletter!

Family reunification in Germany

Here you will find our booklet with all the important information on family reunification in Germany. For further details, click on the sentences or scan the QR codes.



Strengthening cultural links between Europe and the Arab Region while reflecting artistically on topics of gender equality

Halaqat © Goethe-Institut


FANTASMEEM fosters Creative Entrepreneurship and encourages knowledge sharing as well as collaborations in the Lebanese design industry. The program consists of four independent modules as well as several accompanying activities targeting designers, design startups/entreprises and makers.

FANTASMEEM © Goethe-Institut Libanon © Goethe-Institut Libanon


The 3rd Edition of ArtEvolution is a program that aims to support cultural practitioners in and around the field of performing arts interested in producing and presenting a finalized project to an audience. The program is also accompanied by a series of public Impulse panels.



The eLibrary is the virtual library of the Goethe-Institut. This free service allows you to borrow digital media, such as ebooks, audio and video files, and electronic newspapers and magazines.

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Cultural Collaboration

We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation. 

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