Reading Promotion

12.000 Books for Namibian Children

Picture Book Cinema ©Goethe-Institut Namibia

Reading Promotion

Reading is the basis of education, independence and togetherness. To ensure that all children and young people in Namibia can read well, the Goethe-Institut together with partners in Namibia launches a Reading Campaign with different activities around reading promotion.

What we do

Our Activities in Reading promotion we offer:
  • Book the Goethe-Institut for a Reading Session in your Library, School, or Kindergarten and listen to our Storyteller.
  • Bring our Picture Book Cinema to your institution.
  • Be part of our Book donation from Book Dash Books for children from 3 to 8
  • Organisation of the 2nd Book Sprint Namibia (in preparation)
  • NEW!! You can now borrow our media box with 50 different books for children aged 3-8 years.
  • NEW!!! Discover our Kamishibai storytelling theatre.


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