Virtually Yours #13 Bisi Adjapon

A series of online discussions - Virtual Gatherings - with Goethe Medal laureate Zukiswa Wanner, exploring contemporary African literature with authors.

Bisi Adjapon © @Bisi Adjapon Bisi Adjapon @Bisi Adjapon
Bisi Adjapon
is the author of The Teller of Secrets, originally titled Of Women and Frogs, and Daughter in Exile forthcoming this November. She has written for and been featured in many publications including McSweeney’s Quarterly, Washington Times, Washington Post, Aljazeera, and New York Times. She founded and ran the Young Shakespeare company for four years in America, and, as an International Affairs Specialist for the US Foreign Service, she won the Civil Rights Award for Human Relations.

The Teller of Secrets
In this stunning debut novel, a struggling Nigerian-Ghanaian girl growing up amidst the political upheavals of post-colonial Ghana in the late 1960s begins to question the hypocrisy of her patriarchal society and the limitations and unrealistic expectations placed on women.

If you missed the live session, you can watch the recording on YouTube.
