Virtually Yours #16 Yara Nakahanda Monteiro

A series of online discussions - Virtual Gatherings - with Goethe Medal laureate Zukiswa Wanner, exploring contemporary African literature with authors.

Yara Monteiro
Yara Monteiro | © Yara Monteiro
Yara Nakahanda Monteiro was born in Angola in 1979 and moved to Portugal when she was two years old. She is a regular guest speaker at universities on topics such as feminism and Afro-European identities and narratives.

" Loose Ties" is a stirring and colourful story in which the shadows of an uncertain and changing past are felt.
Victoria grew up in Portugal with her grandparents and bears the marks of a trauma she cannot overcome: She never knew her mother, who was an Angolan freedom fighter.
Her book is both a love story and a war story, a contemporary narrative confronting the past, a call for women's independence as political beings. And of her own body in search of freedom.
In her own words, she is a great-great-granddaughter of slavery, a great-granddaughter of miscegenation, a granddaughter of independence and a daughter of the diaspora.

If you missed the live broadcast you can watch the recording here>
