Virtually Yours #22
Serge Agnessan

A series of online discussions - Virtual Gatherings - with the award-winning authorEdwige Dro, exploring contemporary African Literature with authors.

Serge Agnessan
@ Photograph |Hamza de Constantinople
Ivorian scholar and poet, Serge Agnessan lives in a third space between Canada and Côte d'Ivoire. Themes that inform both his writing and researches are denial of memory, desecration and trauma. He is the author of Carrefour-Samaké and Corps sans Organes published by Poètes de brousse in 2018 and 2022.

Corp sans organes
@ Brousse
Between Montreal and Abidjan, "in the shadow of a dream waiting to become a city", Corps sans organes features two lovers treading the asphalt "above the ruins of whiteness". With Ana, the embodiment of the women he met outside his native country, the poet asks the question of becoming black, tearing off the skin to free the memory, caressing that of the lover like a pilgrim of scars wanting to "baptize each wound with names that would betray the nausea of [their] most distant past"».

If you missed the session, you ca watch the record here> Virtually Yours 22.
