Virtually Yours #20

A series of online discussions - Virtual Gatherings - with the award-winning author Edwige Dro, exploring contemporary African Literature with authors.

@ Gauz'
Born in Abidjan in 1971, Gauz came to France after studying biochemistry in 1999, officially to finish his studies, unofficially to "see something different". With or without a residence permit, Gauz gained professional experience of all kinds (from gardener to database designer), started as a scriptwriter (Après l'océan, Eliane Delatour, 2004), then became a documentary filmmaker, photographer, director of a business newspaper, editor-in-chief of a web magazine, promoter of a literary prize, etc.

@ L'Arche
In his book Cocoaïans, the political history of chocolate is told in an extensive historical fresco that runs through the 20th and early 21st centuries. It is a story of the emancipation project of the Cocoaïans, the inhabitants of cocoa country, to make and sell their own chocolate, and inscribes cocoa in a civilising discourse, a narrative of the conquest of freedom.

If you missed the session, you ca watch the record here> Virtually Yours 20.
