Library for teachers

We would like to present to you the following materials, which can be borrowed in our library for teachers:

Schritt für Schritt ins Grammatikland - A grammar workbook for children and young people

This book contains many useful work sheets for copying, is directed to students from level A1 to level B2 and can be used along any other textbook for children and young people. The grammar is explained systematicllay and in detail, there is few complicated terminology used, a simple vocabulary and numerous, colourful drawings and fanciful exercises. Furthermore, the rules are explained stepwise, simple and catchy visualizations are used as learning aid. After every step there are many creative exercises. Finally, review exercises with slightly increasing difficulty at the end of every chapter ensure and strengthen the understanding of the structures.

Die fremden Inseln - 4 exciting reading adventures for searching and solving

This interesting reading book contains four exciting reading adventures for students at the level A2. Due to a reading guide for teachers and students this book is well-suited for German classes. The students can follow their "reading route" on a map. This makes the story especially important, motivates the students and fosters their attendance and phantasy.

Cast - An autobiographical youth novel from Elisabeth "Elli" Erl

During a project with the former winner of the castingshow "Germany is searching for the superstar" - Elli Erl - 14 schools in Windhoek received 17 copies of the youth novel in 2013. The book is well-suited for German as foreign language classes and is a modern, true-to-life youth story, which fosters the students' interest in the German culture and language. In the Goethe-Centre Windhoek a kit of these books can be borrowed together with the teachers' guide in order to discuss this book during German classes.

The story: Elli loves music, since her childhood she's dreaming about the big breakthrough. Suddenly her attention is drawn to the RTL-castingshow "Germany is searching for the superstar". And indeed: She survives the super tough casting, advances through every round and finally gets to the final. She can't believe it! In the end it becomes clear: Elli is the new German superstar! But what comes after? Elli has another idea of music than Dieter Bohlen and the celebrity hype quickly abates without his support...
