Course content
On this page you can find the content descriptions of our course materials. All course materials are included in the prices for the group courses. Please click on the relevant title to view the documents.
Book-based A1-B1 courses:
We use "Panorama" from Cornelson.
Book-based B2 courses:
We use "Weitblick" from Cornelsen or "Kontext" from Klett. Platform-based B2 and C1 courses:
We use materials developed by the Goethe-Institut.
For the general course level descriptions please click here.
Book-based A1-B1 courses:
We use "Panorama" from Cornelson.
We use "Weitblick" from Cornelsen or "Kontext" from Klett. Platform-based B2 and C1 courses:
We use materials developed by the Goethe-Institut.
For the general course level descriptions please click here.