One of our most popular projects, the animated comic series Lifeswap by graphic designer Steffen Kreft and author William Connor features Duncan from New Zealand and Jörg from Germany. The two move to each other's country for a year and talk about their experiences and the numerous mistakes they make in their monthly Skype conversations. Since its creation in 2013, Lifeswap has also been successfully used in German language classes in New Zealand. Learners can easily put themselves in Jörg and Duncan's shoes and reflect on the cultural differences that the series highlights authentically and humorously.
To make the series even more accessible, artist William Connor has compiled teaching materials for the first ten episodes. One document each for teachers and students are available per episode. The material is currently provided as a Word document to allow for adjustments by teachers.
Integrate the Lifeswap materials into your lessons and tell us how the materials are being received in your class. We appreciate feedback until the end of 2023 to our head of language Yona Brand.