German in Schools

German in schools ©Goethe-Institut

Discover the numerous benefits of learning German in school! In New Zealand, several schools either offer German or are considering its inclusion. Here are compelling reasons that can convince parents and students why embarking on the exciting journey of learning German is worthwhile:

  1. Cultural Diversity: Germany is renowned for its rich history, diverse landscapes, and influential culture encompassing art, music, literature, and film. Learning German opens doors to this vibrant world.
  2. Career Opportunities: As an economic powerhouse in Europe, Germany offers a plethora of career prospects known for their quality and precision. Mastery of German opens doors to international companies and organizations.
  3. Educational Opportunities: Germany is a preferred destination for international students seeking top-notch higher education. Proficiency in German facilitates studying and thriving in this academic landscape.
But don't just take our word for it—explore firsthand accounts from individuals who chose German as an elective at school. Watch our video testimonials featuring former students sharing their enriching experiences and insights. These stories showcase how German proficiency has not only enhanced careers but also deepened cultural understanding and forged valuable connections:
"My name is Evalesi Tu'inukuafe and I am of Tongan-Samoan-German descent and  learning German has connected me to my German ancestry and history which has enriched my life."
"I am Dr Anita Perkins and have a long-standing relationship with Germany. This includes going on academic exchanges, gaining a PhD in German and bilateral work in my research consulting business Anita Perkins Consulting."
"I am Jay van Dijk and my German journey started in school and has since taken me through exchanges, a semester abroad, and several years of living and working in Germany."
"I am Eve Walter and I have learned German since Year 9 in high school. My journey with the German language has included going on exchange to Germany, making life-long friendships and understanding a new culture, and now working for the German Embassy in Wellington."

