ALIPATO: The Very Brief Life of an Ember

Kinofest 2023

Alipato © Rapid Eye Movies

Kinofest Special: Experimental Films from Germany and the Philippines

Mondomanila in the year 2031, where the poorest of the poor live. The dwellers earn their living with the dirty business of coal making. The Kostkas, a gang of street kids steals and kills in the „black capital“. When they go for the ultimate heist and rob the central bank, the robbery goes awry, the money disappears and their boss is jailed for 28 years. After he is released the Kostkas want to know where the money is buried. But the boss doesn’t reveal the location and the gang members are gradually killed off. Panic spreads among the remaining surivors and suspicion grows that one in their midst is behind the killings.

Disclaimer: This film contains graphic scenes of violence which may be disturbing to some viewers.


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