Nick's Film Lightning over Water
Wim Wenders Retrospective

Nick’s Film Lightning over Water © © Wim Wenders Stiftung Nick’s Film Lightning over Water © Wim Wenders Stiftung

Nick's Film Lightning over Water

Nick's Film Lightning over Water

Nicholas Ray and Wim Wenders decide to make a film together, two directors, two generations, with a close relationship through their love of the cinema. For Ray this is an attempt to regain self-confidence and dignity in the face of death. For Wenders it means extreme personal observation, accompanying his fatally ill friend who has a strong will to continue his work, in a sensitive, unsparing and honest manner.

Source: Wim Wenders Stiftung

Film Details

Nick’s Film Lightning over Water

West Germany | 1979/80
Genre: Biography, Non-Fiction
Duration: 90 min
Format: 35mm Eastmancolor


1981 German Film Award in Silver (Production)


Cinematheque Centre Manila:
May 12 | 4pm

Cinematheque Centre Davao:
June 15 | 4pm
