A Trick of the Light
Wim Wenders Retrospective

A Trick of the Light © © Wim Wenders Stiftung A Trick of the Light © Wim Wenders Stiftung

A Trick of the Light

Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky

A mixture of fiction and documentary about the German film pioneers Max, Emil and Eugen Skladanowsky who, like many of their contemporaries, attempted to find ways of recording and showing moving pictures. They held the public premiere of their invention at the Wintergarten theatre in Berlin in 1895 – just two months before that of the Lumière brothers, whose own invention ultimately went on to enjoy much wider public recognition.

Source: Wim Wenders Stiftung

Film Details

A Trick of the Light | Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky

Germany | 1996
Genre: Documentary
English Subtitles
Duration: 79 min
Format: 35mm, B&W and Colour


Cinematheque Centre Manila:
May 25 | 4pm

Cinematheque Centre Davao:
June 28 | 6pm
