The State of Things
Wim Wenders Retrospective

The State of Things © © Wim Wenders Stiftung The State of Things © Wim Wenders Stiftung

The State of Things

Der Stand der Dinge

The starting point is a sealed-off situation: Friedrich, a German director, is making a film in Portugal with American funds, a remake of Allen Dwan’s THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN ALIVE. The filming takes place in a deserted, storm-battered seaside hotel. The staff is nowhere to be seen and the local inhabitants hardly take any notice of the production. Then Joe Corby, the cameraman, tells the director that they have no negatives left and are unable to continue filming; the producer has just left for Los Angeles.

Source: Wim Wenders Stiftung

Film Details

The State of Things | Der Stand der Dinge 

West Germany | 1981/82
Genre: Drama
English Subtitles
Duration: 121 min
Format: 35mm black and white and color


1982 Venice International Filmfestival: Golden Lion (Best Film)
1983 German Film Award in Gold (Best full-length Feature Film; Best Camerawork)


Cinematheque Centre Manila:
May 18 | 4pm

Cinematheque Centre Davao:
June 21 | 6pm
