Wings of Desire
Wim Wenders Retrospective

Wings of Desire © © Wim Wenders Stiftung Wings of Desire © Wim Wenders Stiftung

Wings of Desire

Der Himmel über Berlin

Damiel and Cassiel are two of the angels in Berlin who, from lofty vantage points, watch over the fate of the people below. Damiel falls in love with Marion and has an ever-growing desire to be near her; but to truly realize his love, he must become human.

Source: Wim Wenders Stiftung

Film Details

Wings of Desire | Der Himmel über Berlin

West Germany/France | 1987
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
English Subtitles
Duration: 128 min
Format: 35mm B&W and Colour


1987 Cannes (Best Director)
1987 Gildepreis in Silver (Best German Film)
1988 FELIX, European Film Prize (Best Director)
1988 German Film Prize in Gold (Best Director)
1988 Bavarian Film Prize (Director)


Cinematheque Centre Manila:
May 19 | 4pm

Cinematheque Centre Davao:
June 22 | 4pm
