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New system of courses for adults As of 1.10.2022, standard courses for adults follow a quarter system.

Contact and registration

drei Personen sitzen vor einem Fenster, die mittlere Person hat einen weißen Laptop, alle drei schauen auf den Bildschirm und lächeln. Foto (Ausschnitt): Goethe-Institut/Sonja Tobias

Course Office

Interested in one of our language courses or need further information? Feel free to drop in to our language course office for some personal advice.


Edyta Łasak
Sachbearbeiterin für Sprachkurse
Tel. +48 798 952370 | +48 12 20219-37

New system of standard courses for adults

As of 1.10.2022, standard courses for adults follow a quarter system. The summer and winter semester are divided into spring, summer, autumn and winter quarters respectively. 

Children's and young people's courses, exam preparation and conversation courses continue to run on a semester basis.

Course Office availability

Mo.:                 13.00-15.00 
Tue. - Thu.:      11.00-15.00


Offer of courses

General Information


Test your German

Test how „gut“ your German is: Are you just starting out, pretty good or really great? This test gives you a first orientation. 
