
Präsentation während des Sustainable Fashion Symposium © Goethe-Institut Ramallah

Our schedule was designed to provide educational content exclusively to local students, industry professionals and curious minds on-site.
Additionally, we curated a selection of Palestinian fashion brands, game-changers and textile/leather producers to share their work with the world. 

Digital and Local

October 18th 2022
The opening day of our event was held at the French-German Cultural Institute in Ramallah. The day was curated and planned for local textile professionals and production units and everyone who is curious and willing to learn new skills.
  October 18th
10 am Reflections on Sustainable Fashion in Palestine
Opening Keynote by Celine Aweidah
11 am  Introduction to Sustainable Fabrics and Materials
Lecture and Q&A by Tara St. James
12 pm Break
01 pm Labor: Value or Cost
Lecture and Q&A by Kavita Parmar
02 pm  الشركة المصنعة المحلية
Interview and Talk with Darzah Designs (Arabic only)
03 pm Break
03:30 pm Introduction to Textile Certifications
Lecture by Dorothee Sarah Spehar
04:30 pm Artisanship and Leather Production
Digital Lecture and Q&A by Dr. Pam Samasuwo-Nyawiri
06:00 pm Networking and end of the day

October 19th 2022
This day was held at Birzeit University, near Ramallah. While the program for the day was made with students and future fashion professionals in mind, we also encouraged everyone who is curious and willing to learn new skills to attend.  
  October 19th
10 am What is Sustainable Fashion? 
Opening Speech by Dorothee Sarah Spehar 
10:30 am Building a New Narrative - introducing to sustainability terms and trends  
Practical Workshop by Kavita Parmar
10:30 am Zero-Waste Fashion Design
Practical Workshop by Tara St. James 
12 pm Break
01 pm Cross-Cultural Collaborations and Co-Crafting 
Digital Lecture with Q&A by Alexia Tronel
02 pm Fashion, Values and Community
Panel Discussion with Nöl Collective and Hilweh Market
03 pm From Cuba to Palestine – Building a brand, exporting and opening international retail shops
Digital Session with Clandestina99

November 13th 2022
The last day of our event took place at the French-German Cultural Institute in Ramallah and online. The program focused on the current Palestinian fashion scene and was created for all levels of fashion experience. 
  November 13th
12 pm  آفاق الأزياء المستدامة في فلسطين
Keynote about pre-owned fashion by Maria Abboud of Sholabis (Arabic only)
01 pm Marketing for Scarcity and Tricky Situations
Lecture by Dorothee Sarah Spehar
02 pm Contemporary Fashion from Gaza
Interview with Meera Adnan 
02:30 pm Break
03 pm Fashion Industry Talks
With Zero-Waste Palestine and MQAAAR, moderated by The Canvas NYC
04 pm Honoring the Winners of the Brand Accelerator
Presented by Sharon-Rose Benson; networking over snacks and drinks
05 pm Swap Event by Institut Français 
