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Akademie #2 - Lost in Space?

Lost in space LOST IN SPACE © Sibylle Peters Theatrical Community, Protest and International Collaboration in a Disembodied Age
10.–12.06., Conference programme online via Zoom, Workshops in various locations
Language: English

The pandemic has hit theatres hard all over the world. Places that were built for bodies to gather and share meaningful experiences together have spent most of the last year empty. The Impulse Academy takes a closer look at this situation. What is lost when performances and working processes take place in the digital space? And what is gained?

The three days of the ACADEMY will take place in a hybrid format, both online and in person in Düsseldorf and Cologne, Berne, Johannesburg and Minsk.
Register here

The lectures and discussions in the mornings will focus on the role of the body in creating communities, political protest and international collaboration.
In a workshop held over multiple afternoons, participants will explore the art of touching, smell, intimacy and vulnerability. Register by sending an email to akademie[at]impulsefestival.de.

Programme Leader: Anne Schulz
Workshop Leader: Sibylle Peters
Production Manager: Lena Busse

The ACADEMY #2 – LOST IN SPACE? is funded by the Goethe Institut and the International Visitors Programme of the NRW KULTURsekretariat.

More information regarding the programme here.
