Brechtfestival Augsburg - Call for international collaboration, guest performances and partnerships

© Brechtfestival Augsburg © © Brechtfestival Augsburg © Brechtfestival Augsburg © Brechtfestival Augsburg
The city of Augsburg is reaching out for international collaborators and contributors for its annual interdisciplinary arts festival, named after Bertolt Brecht, the cities’ most renowned son.

With the recent festival edition being highly acclaimed by an international audience, thanks to its unique and exclusive online broadcast, which had been set up in reaction to the global COVID pandemic, the festival would like to intensify its international collaborations as it is preparing Brechtfestivals’ 2022 edition.
And there is more to that: In 2023 we will be celebrating Brechts 125th anniversary in Augsburg. Therefore, we are excited to start a transcultural dialogue on Brecht’s various influences on contemporary performing arts abroad.
We are looking for collaborators (cultural institutions, independent theatre companies, authors, bands, universities, art schools, literature classes) abroad, who are currently working on Brecht, and his model of epic theatre or who are influenced by Brecht’s perspective of literature and performing arts in their artistic work.

We are interested in proposals for touring productions as well as suggestions for coproductions or collaborations for either the next Brechtfestival (February 2022) or the occasion of the Brecht jubilee in 2023 in Augsburg, Germany.

Since 2009 the city of Augsburg (Germany) celebrates the artistic spirit of its well renowned son, Bertolt Brecht, with various theatre, music and literature events. The cultural event is traditionally set in winter and regarded as one of the highlights of cultural life in Germany. During its 10 day programme involving various venues all over the city, the festival combines extraits of local independent performing arts, self-produced performances, lectures but also well accomplished guest performances in theatre, performance art and pop culture. The festival’s aim is to rise awareness to the contemporary relevance of both Brecht's theatre and thinking. It is organised by the Brechtbüro within the cultural office of the City of Augsburg in cooperation with Staatstheater Augsburg.
The 2021 edition, due to the constraints of the COVID 19 pandemic had to be presented completely online.
We would be delighted about your interest in future collaborations.

For further information, please contact Brechtbüro, Katrin Dollinger
