Mădălina Stoica

Madalina Stoica © © Madalina Stoica Madalina Stoica © Madalina Stoica
My name is Mădălina Stoica and what I usually say next is “and I’m a student”.  Well now I’ve graduated pretty much everything there was to be graduated. I just got my Master’s Degree in Dramatic Writing at U.N.A.T.C. after graduating Acting at the same institution. Most of it during the pandemic – and now I’m an alleged grown-up. I’m supposed to know more than I did when I started my university studies. I don’t feel that way at all, probably also because of the context. I’m sure a lot of us feel that way, so I don’t know what I’m supposed to write in this bio. I’m learning the meaning of vulnerability, leadership and team-work. I’m struggling working with deadlines. I like questioning what people call bad and I strive to work in various domains in this life. My main goal is to understand as much as possible, see as much as possible and feel as much as possible. If possible.
