Pazifik - Leipzig

Leipzig international art programme © Goethe-Institut

In collaboration with LIA (Leipzig International Art Programme) the Goethe-Institute offers artists from Southeast Asia a three-month residency at the Art and Culture Centre Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei. At the beginning of the 20th century the Baumwollspinnerei (cotton mill) was the site of Europe’s largest processing centre for cotton, today it houses the cultural centre for one of the most exciting places for the production and exhibition of contemporary art and culture in Europe.

Le Hien Minh

In her work, Dó paper is visibly vulnerable to the effects of weathering and human treatment. Materiality, whether on the point of dematerialization or materialization, is central. It is a manifestation of an idea that all things are impermanent.

Additionally, Lê Hiền Minh’s work also acts as a bridge between contemporary and traditional Vietnamese art and also between modern and historical Vietnamese culture. She studied traditional Lacquer at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Fine Art and acquired a degree in Fine Art from the Art Academy of Cincinnati, USA. Since 2016, she started a series of works that focus on significant social issues including gender roles, hierarchies of society and female identity.

In Leipzig, Lê Hiền Minh wants to continue to work with this themes as they relate to common humanity. Thereby, for her it's important to respect to diversity ideas between the East and the West as she sees the dialogue and cultural exchanging is not only enriching one's knowledge but also assists on an understanding of the universality, to find a point of connection for all of us regardless of our background or culture.

Le Hien Minh

  • Ball © Le Hien Minh

  • Worms © Le Hien Minh

  • Ball 2 © Le Hien Minh

  • Five Questions © Le Hien Minh
