Knowledge Through Entertainment
Science Film Festival

Science Film Festival 2022 © Goethe-Institut Singapore

This festival brings science on to the screen! It shows international films on current topics in the fields of ecology, technology and research.

The Science Film Festival presents scientific issues accessibly and entertainingly to a broad audience, especially young people, and demonstrates that science can be fun.

Science Film Festival 2023


Programme and Films

The festival jury chose 47 films from 16 countries, targeting children from primary schools upwards for the programme in Singapore. The films are subtitled or dubbed into English where necessary to allow accessibility for young audiences.

These films can be conveniently watched online through a secure streaming platform. Register to enjoy all films anytime from home for free.

Teaching Resources

The festival’s accompanying program also includes educational activities developed by experts.


Inger Andersen UN

United Nations

Dear Science Film Festival Partners and Audiences,  
Esteemed Filmmakers,  
The world is in the grip of a triple planetary crisis – the crisis of climate change, of nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste.  
Climate-related weather events are getting more frequent and more extreme, our oceans are choking in plastic, farmlands are losing fertile soils, and one million plant and animal species are at the risk of extinction.  
Yet, amongst all these crises, there is reason for hope. Because the good news is: Nature is forgiving. And given half a chance, she can recover.   
One mighty weapon we have in this fight for our future is our imagination. We are in the middle of a story with an uncertain ending. And we are the ones that hold the pen. We can reimagine, recreate and restore, a brighter future. One where we go from a narrative of exploiting nature to reviving it.   
I thank the Goethe-Institut and partners, as well as all our wonderful filmmakers for bringing us these stories of hope.  
So lean back, keep your eyes peeled and minds open. Let’s take the lessons from these selected films to heart and start working on becoming a #GenerationRestoration  
…aaand Action!  
Inger Andersen  
Executive Director  
UN Environment Programme (UNEP) 

Dr Bicky Bhangu Rolls-Royce


Over the last century, Rolls-Royce has been a driving force in the aerospace and engineering sectors globally. 

Our power and propulsion solutions keep customers’ engines running in the air, sea and land – from turbine engines for planes to fly, piston engines to move ships and trains, to microgrids and generators that power high-rise buildings and data centres. 

Our business relies heavily on engineers and technologists to bring ideas to life and solve the world’s most pressing problems. STEM subjects don’t just power our products, they power the functioning of a modern world. And amid the pressures of climate change and the necessary energy transition, we urgently need sustainable technology solutions which are rooted in science. 

We believe the next generation has an important role in safeguarding the future. This is why we are committed to promoting STEM education to inspire the scientists and engineers of tomorrow, from all parts of the world. 

Our partnership with the Science Film Festival aims to bring the wonders of science to young people of all backgrounds. Through exposure to these topics at an early age, we want to foster curiosity and a love of learning. 

Together, we can create a bright and sustainable future. 
Dr Bicky Bhangu 
President, South East Asia, Pacific and South Korea, Rolls-Royce 

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