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Veranstaltungsreihe: Art as Evidence
EUNIC - European Union National Institutes for Culture - ist ein Netzwerk nationaler Kulturinstitute und -organisationen der EU-Länder mit 39 Partnern aus allen EU-Mitgliedstaaten und assoziierten Ländern.
Art as Evidence ist ein Projekt von EUNIC Bratislava (Tschechisches Zentrum Bratislava, Institute Francais, Goethe-Institut, Polnisches Institut, Niederländische Botschaft) und dem Institute for Active Citizenship, der Zeitung Kapitál, dem One World Film Festival, der Kunsthalle Bratislava, Mladý pes und Slovak Game Developers Association.
Dear visitor,
we like to avoid any confusion and therefore highlight, that this
project shares the same title (ART AS EVIDENCE) with a conceptual
framework developed from Berlin-based researcher Tatiana Bazzichelli in
the context of her work at the Disruption Network Lab in cooperation
with a network of investigative journalists and artists including Laura
Poitras and Jacob Appelbaum. As a researcher Tatiana Bazzichelli is
working in the field of network culture, hacktivism and whistleblowing.
There are no similarities between this project and the research of
Tatiana Bazzichelli. At the same time we like to reference and
recommend to learn more about this important work on critical network
cultures and whistleblowing. You can learn more about this project here: