Seiza is an actress and dancer who graduated from the Faculty of Music and Drama, Theater Department. Since beginning her career,she has participated in many prominent plays such as "Government Trombone", "Laban al-A'shar", "Safar Aljafa", "Death of Zeus", "Accounting Notebook", "Return of Kush", "Sea of Time", "Fatima al-Samha", and "Nun al-Fajwa", as well as the two films "Black Henna" and "Haha Al-Kilab”.
Her passions lies in expressive dance and children's theater. Her project “Habooba, Wanisini”, is an animated visual arts series in collaboration with scriptwriters, educators, and animation experts. The series, designed for children aged 4 to 11, featuresa grandmother as the central character, drawing inspiration from Sudanese storytelling traditions. Five episodes will be produced and shared on social media and the Sudanese TV station ‘Sanabil’.