Forums & Trainings

Encouraging cultural actors to shape cultural policy action is one of the NEXT LEVEL Cultural Policies project goals.
Cultural actors and artists are enabled to formulate demands on a new cultural policy, taking into account the plurality of the country and ethnic and cultural minorities. They are empowered to influence political decisions in cultural policy at the local and national levels.

Three cultural actors travelled from six different regions - Al-Obayed (North Kordofan), Al-Fashir (North Darfur), Port Sudan (East), Karima (North), Gadarif (Southeast), and Ad-Damazin (Blue Nile) to Khartoum to attend the training on “Cultural Rights and Advocacy” from September 6th to September 15th, 2021. The training program, developed in cooperation with the partner Action4Hope, focuses on the formulation of own ideas and demands on political decision-makers as well as strengthening the ability to influence political decisions in cultural policies.

After a short introduction, various aspects of cultural rights were listed by Action4Hope and discussed by the participants in the first four days; the thematic contents included “Cultural rights in the international human rights system,” “Intellectual property rights and their types,” and “Cultural rights in Sudan - an overview and history.” In the second part of the training, “The human rights approach in advocacy,” Advocacy messages and tools,” and “Advocacy Campaign Strategies” were thematized, presented, and discussed.

The workshop concluded with a two-day introduction to “Training of Trainers.” In autumn 2021, the participants will pass on what they have learned in their respective region in two-day input events and discuss ideas for possible demands on cultural policy in their associations or existing initiatives.
