Creator's Hub


Art-Tech Hub (Al-Fashir)

Art-Tech Hub (Khartoum)

Music Hub

Women's Hub

Hub Managers

Art-Tech Hub (Al-Fashir)

Emad Zakaria

Emad Zakaria, the hub manager is mainly working on providing entrepreneurship consultancies for the start-ups who based in Darfur region, his main activates is on the areas of developing the capacities of the civil society through media consultancies and capacity building programs.

Art-Tech Hub (Khartoum)

Abdalsalam Alhaj

Abdalsalam Alhaj, is a visual artist who works on media production especially storytelling through AR and VR, he is leading the movement of 360 films in Sudan through his film Night Shift that had been filmed during the sit-in of Sudanese revolution.

Music Hub

Tahleel Dafallah

Tahleel Dafallah, the manager of the hub is the main vocalist of Salute Yal Bannot band, it’s an all females band. Beside her work as a vocalist, she is a song writer and music composer.
