by Salute Yal Bannot
Music album

Salute Yal Bannot
© Goethe-Institut

Women have always been socially excluded from the Sudanese music industry. The women’s band Salute Yal Bannot aims to combat the prevailing clichés with their new album.

Salut yal Banoot is the name of the Sudanese band that became known from the TV show “Arab Idol” and has been in existence for four years. With this grant, the band would like to finance the production of a complete album dealing with subjects like love, inner peace, support and advancement of women. The project aims to increase the representation of women in the Sudanese music scene and to improve the social image of women in the music industry.
The pandemic also had an impact on this project: during the coronavirus crisis, the band’s activities almost came to a standstill, which is why the schedule for the completion of the album and its recording has been uncertain. Nonetheless, the committed group also wanted to get involved in other public affairs: for example, they supported the recent Black Lives Matter movement with a music video made at home to show and encourage people to support important movements and issues that are important to them even in a pandemic in compliance with health guidelines.
At the moment the musicians are working out a new plan for the album and the associated advertising campaigns. Songs and melodies have been written and initial recording has begun.
