Film screening
Guten Tag, Ramón

Guten Tag, Ramón
© Embassy of Maxiko in Bangkok

Presented by the Embassy of Mexico and the German Embassy

Goethe Saal

120 min., Germany/Mexico, 2013
Directed by Jorge Ramírez Suárez
Starring Kristyan Ferrer and Ingeborg Schöner"

“Guten Tag, Ramón” tells the story of a young Mexican man who, after several unsuccessful attempts to emigrate to the US, ends up in Germany. Hoping for a better life, he is supposed to meet a friend's aunt, only to discover she doesn’t seem to exist. Stranded in cold Germany without shelter or knowledge of the German language, he struggles to navigate his future. Directed by Jorge Ramírez Suárez, who won the "Silver Goddess" awarded by PECIME (Cinematographic Journalists of Mexico) for Best Direction in 2015, the film stars Kristyan Ferrer and Ingeborg Schöner.


Goethe Saal

Language: German, English and spanish
Price: Free Admission

02 006 0734 Ext. 3