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Hannah Arendt - Thinking is Dangerous

Hannah Arendt
Thinking is Dangerous

"Hannah Arendt: Thinking is Dangerous" explores Arendt’s conception of thinking through art, dialogue, performance, play, music, and silence.

The notion that there exist dangerous thoughts is mistaken for the simple reason that thinking itself is dangerous to all creeds, convictions, and opinions.

Hannah Arendt, The Life of the Mind, ed. Mary McCarthy (New York, 1981), p. 176.

About Hannah Arendt and her work

Who was Hannah Arendt? And can her work help us to understand the human condition in the 21st century? 

"Between Worlds" - a series of Podcasts

Hannah Arendt:  Between Worlds In recent years many people have turned to the work of Hannah Arendt to try to understand what is happening in our world today. But who was Hannah Arendt? And why is she so relevant now? Over the course of seven episodes, Samantha Rose Hill will be talking with artists, poets, writers, scholars, musicians, and activists who think with Hannah Arendt as they explore questions of solitude, peace, privacy, freedom, love, and politics.

Listen to the podcasts


Ideological thinking ruins all relationship with reality.

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (New York, 1951), p. 474.

Hannah Arendt in pictures

The picture gallery offers you a glimpse into Hannah Arendt’s life, from her girlhood in Königsberg, to her work in New York City, to the German Literature Archive in Marbach shortly before her death. 

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Hannah Arendt:  Between Worlds

Hannah Arendt's life was eventful and she left behind an extensive body of work that is still highly relevant today. Time to find out what you really know about her. Test your knowledge about Hannah Arendt in our short and amusing quiz!

by Sophie Braun and Ulrike Stoll


Hannah Arendt left behind an extensive life's work. However, these three works are absolutely indispensable and provide a good introduction to the more in-depth study of her works and life. Click below for more recommendations.

Hannah Arendt "The Origins of Totalitarianism" © Schocken Books

"The Origins of Totalitarianism"

The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951) is the first major account of the rise of Hitlerism and Stalinism. Through three sections on Antisemitism, Imperialism, and Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt traces the underlying elements that crystalized in the phenomenal appearance of totalitarianism in the 20th century.

The Human Condition © University of Chicago Press

"The Human Condition"

The Human Condition (1958) offers an account of the fundamental activities of human life—labor, work, and action—and how they have been transformed in modernity, leading to a new form of modern worldly alienation.

Hannah Arendt "Eichmann in Jerusalem" © Penguin Classics

"Eichmann in Jerusalem"

Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the banality of evil (1963) draws together Hannah Arendt’s reportage on the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem originally published in The New Yorker magazine. 

For a more comprehensive list of recommended reading please click


Past Events

The Love Letters of Hannah Arendt © Goethe-Institut New York

Reading | February 14, 2022 | Goethe-Institut New York
The Love Letters of Hannah Arendt & Heinrich Blücher

To celebrate Valentine's Day, acting students from the Lee Strasberg Institute read selected love letters exchanged by Hannah Arendt and Heinrich Blücher at the Goethe-Institut New York.

Hannah Arendt and Heinrich Blücher met in Paris in 1936, both exiled from Nazi Germany. Arendt was Jewish and escaped Germany in 1933 after being arrested by the Gestapo, and Blücher was a communist and was expelled due to his work with Versöhnler, an opposition group. Their early romance was characterized by tribulations, including being separated into different internment camps before they were eventually able to flee to the U.S. in 1941. They lived in New York together until Blücher's death in 1970, sharing their love and work; as Blücher wrote, “We each do our work, and then come together to discuss.” Their love story is simultaneously cinematic and intimate - it spans borders and decades, and the two writers found in each other true life partners. As Arendt wrote to Blücher: "It still seems incredible to me that I managed to get both things, the ‘love of my life’ and a oneness with myself. And yet, I only got the one thing when I got the other. But finally I also know what happiness is."​

Moderated by Samantha Rose Hill


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