Lecture presentation & discussion
What problem does digitalisation solve?

What problem does digitalisation solve?
© Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Goethe-Institut Hanoi

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Every day, we leave information about ourselves behind - through online or offline shopping, by driving with our GPS switched on, or observed by traffic cameras, we feed social media or use search engines or APPs.
Digital technology has revolutionized the world: our relationships, our work, information and entertainment and even the results of elections – everything seems to follow completely different rules.
People and institutions connect to these digital techniques. Armin Nassehi says, when something proves its worth, when something expands in time, then it has structural value. If digital technology penetrates all areas of society, it apparently solves some problem. For which problem is digital technology a solution?
Digital data make our world readable. They are useful for all kinds of planning, for marketing, logistics, health, demographic or environmental observation and even social planning. Digital data inform us about ourselves. They provide information to solve problems. Digital data make visible what was previously invisible.
Bui Van Nam Son will introduce the lecture. Armin Nassehi will join the discussion online from Munich.
Armin Nassehi 
is Professor of Sociology at Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich. He researches and teaches in the areas of sociology of culture, political sociology, sociology of religion as well as sociology of knowledge and science. His sociology is based on Niklas Luhmann’s systems theory. Nassehi’s lecture is based on his book “Muster. Theorie der digitalen Gesellschaft.”
Bui Van Nam Son
is philosopher and translator and a scholar with extensive knowledge of his field. He speaks German, English, French, Chinese. He has translated among other important works of philosophy: „The Three Critiques“ of Immanuel Kant, Hegel's: "The Phenomenology of Spirit" (2006)," Logic of the Encyclopedia "(2006)," Science of Logic "(2008). He is presently translating philosophy by Jürgen Habermas.
Bui Van Nam Son studied philosophy at Van Khoa University in Saigon, and at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main. He was a student of Karl Otto Apel (1922-2017) and Jürgen Habermas (*1929). After 30 years in Germany, Mr. Bui Van Nam Son returned to Vietnam in 1998. He lives in Ho Chi Minh City.



Goethe-Institut Hanoi

56-58-60 Nguyen-Thai-Hoc-Str., Ba Dinh

Language: Vietnamese - German
Price: Free with registration

Part of series Internet and society