
Premiere 737x320
Photo: Hoang Duc Thinh

in the framework of the festival “Europe meets Asia in Contemporary Dance” 2017

Vietnam Dance College

Who can participate in the workshop?
Dancers, choreographers, stage and light designer in the field of theater and dance (in particular contemporary dance)

How to apply?
Please send a letter of motivation and CV to by 07.9.2017

The Light Designer in the performing arts is both architect and protagonist.
The light designer shapes spaces and bodies in movement and is also giving his own interpretation of the piece. The principle of this workshop is to give a space to all the different protagonists of performing arts, to exchange ideas and questions about light concepts. Its open form allows participants to share their specific knowledge and enrich the workshop with their own experience.
Understanding better the work of each other makes the communication easier during creation processes and also in the framework of the performance.
We will take time to discuss our points of view and try-out on stage some small concepts which we will define together.

21.09: The architect
11h-13h "presentation of the participants and introduction"
14h-15h "lights, part of the stage design"
15h-17h "indirect lighting", concept of the light "Der Bau"

22.09: The protagonist
11h-13h "how does light become a protagonist of the play"
14h-16h "questionings about light concepts"
16h-17h "conclusion and perspectives"

Emma Juliard has almost twenty years of experience as light designer. She worked for choreographer Carolyn Carlson (2002-2010) for Christophe Huysman and the collective «Les hommes penchés» (2001-2010), did light installations in gardens, theatre pieces and for circus theatre. She developed light designs especially for acrobats, in collaboration with young artists from the CNAC (French National Circus School). She was part of the Berlin collective B.o.B who created sound/light/video for the project « Hamletmaschine » based on Heiner Müller’s work.
In Berlin she has been collaborating with the light designer Mehdi Toutain-Lopez, like for Isabelle Schad and Christina Cuipke.


Vietnam Dance College

Khu Văn hoá Nghệ thuật, Đường Hồ Tùng Mậu, Phường Mai Dịch, Quận Cầu Giấy

+84 24 37342251 (Ext. 14)