Screening event and interactive activities The Atom Araullo Specials: No Leftovers

Web L&L © Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Sat, 05.12.2020, 7 pm.

Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Nearly 1 billion people around the world do not have enough safe food to eat and guarantee their lives.
Every day, good-looking vegetables are on the shelves at the markets and supermarkets, so what is the fate of the ugly ones? In addition, where does the food which is left on the table in restaurants, or convenient stores… go?

Imagine a day when our life would be like the one of the people at Samar village, Residential area VIII in the Philippines who day by day have nothing better to eat than ‘butig’ (a sort of potatoes which has low nutrition) - and only a bit of  fish or meat once every several months? This is not a story of the Philippines only!

Joining the screening event and the interactive activities, you will have a chance to:
  • Know better the life cycle of food we eat everyday
  • Connect and interact with other participants through games (such as the life expectancy of waste, searching for Green Ambassadors…) and group discussions to learn more about food loss and food waste; how to classify and treat the waste… And above all, you can gain some tips to practice in your daily life to become ‘Green Ambassadors’;In cooperation with Live&Learn in the framework of the Science Film Festival 2020.


Ms. Le Thi Loan
Program department, Goethe-Institut Hanoi
M: +84 93 2211 407 I

Ms. Do Minh Hang
M: +84 332677165 I

