Documentary film Work Hard — Play Hard

Work Hard Play Hard © Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Wed, 07.09.2016

Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Documentary about the modern workplace from Carmen Losmann, 2011. Producer Erik Winker introduces the film and talks to the audience.

The Documentary "Work Hard — Play Hard" provides an unusual insight into the organizational structure of numerous companies and exposes the basic concept of modern working environment. The desire to maximize profits and gain unlimited economic growth has led to the so-called "Human Resource Management". Perfect offices without usual office characteristics and a workplace that isn’t considered as a workplace anymore but rather perceived as a leisure center are supposed to optimize the employee’s work performance.

After detailed research director Carmen Losmann shows in her debut feature film how boundaries between work and privacy slowly disappear and offers an outlook on the future of work in times of postindustrial service economy.
About the film
Genre   Documentary film 
Country   Germany
Year   2011
Screenplay and direction   Carmen Losmann
Length   90 min.
Awards   * FIPRESCI Preis DOK Leipzig 2011
* Preis der ökumenischen Jury DOK Leipzig 2011
* Healthy Workplaces Award DOK Leipzig 2011
* Goldener Schlüssel Dokumentarfilmfestival Kassel 2011

Erik Winker © Erik Winker Erik Winker, born in 1973 in Stuttgart, Germany, studied Communication Science, Film Science, Education and TV Production in Münster, Berlin and Manchester. Later he did his postgraduate studies in Film Direction at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Since then he has been working in the field of documentary both as a director and a producer. As a producer for LICHTBLICK Film Cologne from 2003 until 2007 he was working on several successful documentaries and was involved in many international co-productions. His own company HUPE Film (since 2016: CORSO Film) has been responsible for award-winning films that are screened in cinemas and on festivals. Erik Winker holds teaching assignments at the University Of Applied Sciences Mainz and the MHMK Cologne and is chaiman of the regional filmmaker´s association Filmbüro NW.
