
Umle ©   Umle
UMLE is a duo of artists who make good music. They reside in Port Elizabeth and have managed to win the hearts of the P.E. intimate scene. The aim is to take them as a brand to international recognition, yet remaining independent. The way they describe the music is “Sis Today’ (today’s sound mixed with all influences). Folk band Umle, is a perfect blend of sound and melody seasoned with a pinch of soul, spiced with boom bap, hip hop and mbaqanga. Besides Umle being an authentic home-grown name, in isiXhosa it refers to the blackish residue that leaves a permanent mark to those who come across their sound. The band wants to leave a permanent mark to those who come across their sound. Their lyrical content, is a fluid combination of isiXhosa and English, it reports on social issues that the band witnesses around and tries to deliver a message of hope in a comedic manner with very lively performances. The duo is inclusive  of Siphamandla Fete, the guitarist who sets the tone for Siyabonga Radu who is the vocalist to voice the stories.
