Deadline for submission of offers: 14 July 2024
Call for Photographic Services

The Goethe-Institut invites bids from experienced Photography studios and professionals to document events and activities of the Goethe-Institut Johannesburg through photography.

1. About the Goethe-Institut

As the Federal Republic of Germany’s internationally active cultural institute, the Goethe-Institut promotes access to the German language, encourages international cultural cooperation and provides up-to-date information about Germany. With 157 institutes in 98 countries, as well as cooperative arrangements with partner establishments, the Goethe-Institut global network offers 1100 points of contact around the world.

2. Introduction to Services Needed

For its work in South Africa, the Goethe-Institut regularly needs photography services to document its different events and activities. The aim of this call is to provide the different departments at the Goethe-Institut Johannesburg with photography services, from which photographers can be called up for specific photography services.

The description of the services needed is therefore mainly the documentation of events and activities through photography, as well as the processing (post-production) and delivery by qualified photography service providers. The call relates to services to the following deliverables:

2.1 Photography of public and closed events, in the evening and/or during the day which include but not limited to panel discussions, workshops, masterclasses, lectures, music performances, gallery openings, celebrations (parties) and photography of artworks and portraits including lighting.
Photography to produce pictures to be used for marketing and promotional materials.

The various events and activities might take place in various venues/places across the country (S.A), not only in Johannesburg. For the events the Goethe-Institut sets out to document the participants, guests, panellist, moderators and facilitators of the events and to document the general mood of the events to be published through online, print, broadcast and social media . Usage rights in Annex 1.

I. Corporate Design
Colour-compliant implementation of the corporate design specifications if needed; access to Goethe-Institut logo, typeface and all details of these specifications will be provided to the contractual partner.
II. Usage Rights For the publication and use of the photographs, the photographer grants the Goethe-Institut exclusive worldwide non-expiring right to make all or any number of photos accessible to the public (right of online, broadcast, social media and print use) and to reproduce and distribute the same. Annex 1

2.2 Travel Costs
Goethe-Institut will cover the costs for travels if the event does not take place in Johannesburg. The bidder is solely responsible for the bookings and has to invoice those costs after the event. Travel costs will be covered within the following guidelines:

I. the Goethe-Institut internal rates apply for cost per kilometre if using a car.

II. Flights Economy class

III. Accommodation up per night as per the Goethe-Institut internal rates apply.

IV. Meals and Incidental costs – the Goethe-Institut internal rates apply).

The contract duration: 1 year, with the option of prolonging for a maximum of another year. The total volume shall not exceed the value of 25.000€ net during the contracted period (the internal exchange rate of Goethe-Institut applies).

3. Detailed Service Description

Technical Equipment Specification

As for technical equipment mentioned, a proposal for the use of demonstrably equivalent technical equipment alternatives to the specified equipment quality range is permitted.
A) Photography
Use of professional camera, no smartphones. Full Frame DSLR camera, sufficient lighting via strobe and/natural depending on needs, no unfocused, overexposed or underexposed images, use different lenses as the situation requires. Delivered in ready to use format DPI/PPI of 300 for higher for high resolution and no less than 75 dpi for low resolution. The first edit of the photos is expected five business days after the event/activity and are to be sent to Goethe-Institut.
B) Post-production (editing)
Three free revisions of all post-production work for photography and the cost per revision if three revisions are exceeded should also be included in the proposal.

4. Essential elements of the proposal

A minimum of 50 edited photographs will be required per event and a minimum of 4 per portrait. The photographs will be submitted in ready-to-use format (1 folder hi-res for large scale print, 1 folder smaller image size for online use). The photographs should be submitted to the Goethe-Institut via Wetransfer, another file transfer website, or on DVD / USB.
4.1 Photographer
4.1.1 Rate per hour for event photography between 1-4 hours, including post-production
4.1.2 Rate per hour for event photography 5-8 hours
4.1.3 Rate per hour for photography of artworks
4.1.4 Rate per hour for portrait photography for staff members including lighting
4.1.5 Rate per revision for editing of photography when three free revisions are exceeded.
4.2 Qualifications of service provider
4.2.1 Certification of knowledge: The contractor's employees must provide evidence of photography certification or corresponding knowledge.
4.2.2 Proof of Capacity: At least 3 Photographer available at the same time. Freelancers must guarantee additional qualified photographers for multiple events and activities.
4.2.3 Proof of Equipment: The service provider guarantees that all necessary equipment as stated above will be provided by the service provider.
4.2.4 Proof of Experience: Proof of at least 5 years working experience in the field of photography.
4.2.5 References: 2 references for work completed/partnerships, previous work done for the Goethe-Institut is permissible.

5. Criteria for selection

A committee composed by the Goethe-Institut will evaluate the different bids submitted. Submissions after the deadline will not be considered. The evaluation of bids consists of two parts: Price (40%), quality of portfolio/proposal (60%)

The quality of the portfolio/proposal will be evaluated with the help of the following criteria: diversity of portfolio, aesthetics of photography, resolution of the images.

Please hand in the following documents:
  • Table with prices as stated above (template available)
  • Certificates of photographer training or corresponding knowledge.
  • Written confirmation, that three photographers will be at disposal for Goethe-Institut events (declaration available). Freelancers must guarantee additional qualified photographers for multiple events and activities
  • Written confirmation, that the relevant equipment will be provided by the photographer without any additional costs
  • Proof of Experience; 5 years working experience
  • 2 References of work completed
  • A set of sample pictures or a link thereto for the evaluation of the quality of the portfolio
  • Signed photography guidelines

Submission Deadline

A detailed quote and portfolio need to be submitted electronically to Sandile Makhathini ( with the subject line “Photography Bid’’ no later than 14 July 2024. Late submissions will not be considered. The Goethe-Institut reserves the right to ask for additional documentation after submission and the right not to award the tender. For any questions, please contact:
Annex 1

§ Copyright and rights of use

(1) The party to the contract grants the client an unlimited, exclusive right to use the contractually agreed work in terms of space, time and content for all known and unknown means of use. This right of use includes the right to exploit individual parts or the entire contractually agreed work in conjunction with other works not originating from the party to the contract.

(2) In particular, the granting of the right includes the right to use the contractually agreed work in the following way:
a) Reproduction and dissemination in printed form for all editions (e.g. study edition, school edition, special edition) and in unlimited print-runs (printing right). The printing right embraces in particular hard-cover editions, paperback editions, microcopy, microfiche and microform editions, reprints, magazines, newspapers, collected works and photomechanical processes including telecopy, via all distribution channels such as retail bookshops, other retailers selling books, book clubs, open and closed user groups and in all formats such as mini, normal, midi and jumbo format, and as print on demand or as special editions for the visually impaired.
b) Reproduction and dissemination – including rental – on electronic/digital – including interactive – data storage media (electronic/digital offline right) without limitation of number of units. The offline right includes in particular the cassette, video, CD, CD-ROM, Mini-CD, DVD and the eBook reading device.
c) Electronic/digital storage and making accessible (including in databases) by means of digital or other storage or data transmission technology, with or without intermediate storage, in such a way that users have access to the contractually agreed work from a place and at a time selected individually by them and can download, play back, interactively use and/or pass to third parties this work via TV, PC, eBook, mobile telephone or other wired or wireless appliances, for example via the internet, UMTS, cable, satellite, mobile service or other transmission paths (also push-, pull-servicers like podcasting) including social media networks like Facebook for example (online right).
d) The right to broadcast, i.e. the right to make the contractually agreed work available to the public by radio and television broadcasting, satellite broadcasting, cable broadcasting or similar technical means.
e) The right to retransmit via cable, i.e. the right to retransmit the contractually agreed work as part of a programme retransmitted simultaneously, unchanged and in its entirety via cable systems or microwave systems.
f) The right to play back broadcasts, i.e. the right to make broadcasts of the contractually agreed work available to the public by screen, loudspeaker or similar technical devices.
g) The right to advertise and use clips, i.e. the right to use excerpts from the contractually agreed work for advertising purposes (e.g. programme previews, tie-in advertising, measures to advertise the respective licence-holder in the form of image trailers, programme documentations, etc.). This includes the right to advertise the contractually agreed work in the manner customary in the industry (e.g. on television, in the cinema, on videograms, in printed publications or on the internet).
h) Translation into any number of languages and dialects whilst upholding the statutory moral rights of the right holder. This includes the use of the translations pursuant to letters a) to g) above.
i) Processing, redesigning and/or unrestricted further development and exploitation in conjunction with other works. This includes the use of the processed versions pursuant to letters a) to g) above.
j) Processing and recording as an audio book or an audio play on any storage medium (letter b)) and the reproduction and dissemination, public playback, transmission and making available to the public (letter c)).
k) Public lecture by third parties.

(3) The client is entitled to transfer all user rights to third parties or to grant them licences to use the contractually agreed work.
