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In-Person Courses

Ein junger Mann sitzt in einem hellen, freundlichen Büro am Schreibtisch und tippt in ein Laptop.
  • Real-life situations and phrases
  • 1 – 3 sessions per week
  • Learn in a group
  • Part-time or intensive

Learn German with the pros: Once you have taken our placement test, you will start a course at the level that is right for you. If you have no previous knowledge of German, you will automatically enroll for an A1.1 or A1 course.

What We Offer

Standard Course

  • 54 teaching units
  • 9 weeks
  • 1 or 2 lessons per week

Intensive Course

  • 108 - 162 teaching units
  • 9 weeks
  • 2 - 3 lessons per week

Aiming for a specific goal?

A young woman is sitting on a sofa. She is taking part in an online meeting and wearing a headset.

Individual Courses

Learn German online, at the institute or in your company - simple and effective. Only you and your course instructor and with a timetable adjusted to your schedule.

Ein Student arbeitet konzentriert am Laptop und macht Notizen. Im Hintergrund sind Bücherregale zu sehen.

Exam Preparation

Prepare for your exam with a focus on the exam syllabus.

Any questions? +27 11 442 3232 We are here to help: JOH-Learngerman@goethe.de