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Teaching German

The Goethe-Institut is the world's leading provider of professional development for German teachers – in South Africa, in Germany or via distance learning.

Advice and service

Scholarship Program 2024/2025

Scholarship Program © Goethe-Institut

Scholarship Program

The Goethe-Institut Johannesburg annually offers German teachers from Southern Africa the opportunity to apply for an on-site scholarship for the German summer (June - August).
German teachers (DaF/DaM) residing and working in one of the following countries are eligible to apply: Angola, Botswana, La Reunion, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Zambia, South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe.

The next call for applications will be in October 2024.


Deutschstunde – The portal for DaF teachers Marc Bibas © Goethe-Institut

The portal for DaF teachers

Deutschstunde is the portal for teaching materials of German as a foreign language, advanced training and magazine language. Contact with other teachers via local communities is just a few clicks away.

Our offer

Fortbildung © Géza G Schenk

Professional Development for German Teachers

Whether it's a question of regional studies, methodology and didactics, or expanding language skills, the Goethe-Institut offers German teachers worldwide extensive opportunities for professional development and continuing education.

Fortbildungen für den Unterricht mit Erwachsenen

German for work or studies

Teaching and learning material from the areas of business, tourism, technology, and social and medical occupations.
