“Au fil de l‘eau” by Phillip Adams

Au fil de l'eau is of course all about the element that is water, which has always played a key role for Montreal, an island city situated in the St. Laurent river. This comes as no great surprise in Canada, which has over nine percent of the Earth’s fresh water supplies and whose landscape is characterized by over two million lakes. In Quebec at least, the provision of water is covered by basic tax, meaning that it essentially costs nothing to use water. In addition, water is used to generate energy and makes an important contribution to ensuring that the country does not depend on imported energy. Nonetheless, a supply of clean and fresh drinking water is not yet guaranteed throughout the country. In many rural regions and in the communities of the indigenous population, the only supply of water comes from natural waterways and wells, which is not advisable given that contamination of the groundwater is also a problem in Canada. There is still a lot that needs to be done.
Phillip Adams
Phillip Adams is an artist from Philadelphia, PA. Adams obtained his BFA from the University of Georgia and his MFA from the University of Pennsylvania. In Philadelphia he has exhibited his works at Seraphin Gallery, Arcadia University, Moore College of Art, the University of Pennsylvania, the Institute of Contemporary Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Tiger Strikes Asteroid (of which he is a founding member) and Bridgette Mayer Gallery. Adams’ works have also been shown in exhibitions all over the United States. His work in the public sphere can be viewed both nationally and internationally, most recently in Montreal, Canada.