
FundGPT is an AI-powered platform that streamlines funding opportunities for local organizations. It aggregates data from diverse sources, identifies relevant opportunities, and provides personalized recommendations. Users can set filters, receive real-time alerts, and assess eligibility through an intuitive interface. FundGPT supports proposal development with structured outlines, AI prompts, and collaborative editing. It ensures document management and version control, integrates with external systems, and prioritizes security and privacy.

Our target group is local and national non-profits that do not have the capacity or resources for a dedicated fundraising team. Local organizations have a distinct advantage in their proximity to their communities. This enables them to possess contextual knowledge, cultural sensitivity, and a deeper understanding of local needs and challenges. Based across the Global South, our target market consists of organisations representing many structurally excluded and underrepresented communities, who speak a diverse range of languages.


Non-profit organizations in the global south face challenges in discovering funding opportunities efficiently and developing proposals that effectively communicate the value and impact of their projects.


By offering a comprehensive database of funding opportunities, tools and resources to guide organizations in developing compelling proposals, FundGPT makes it easier for organizations to find relevant funding sources and apply for grants. 


The platform's comprehensive database of funding opportunities,  tools and resources for proposal development can help non-profit organizations in the global south overcome the challenges they face in securing funding. 

AI for the common good

FundGPT will deliver substantial impact by empowering local organizations to access funding opportunities. This increased awareness will significantly increase the number of funding options available to local organizations, bringing more equality and inclusion to the global funding landscape and enabling organisations to secure the resources required to drive impactful projects.

Further development will include ongoing consultation and testing in collaboration with NEAR and our target user group, in order to ensure a broad range of perspectives and experiences. Additionally, our team is comprised of a diverse group from various demographic groups with a broad range of experiences. All of the above will feed into the product development and technical approach, to ensure inclusivity and mitigate against bias in the AI models.
  • FundGPT Foto: © FundGPT
  • FundGPT Foto: © FundGPT
  • FundGPT Foto: © FundGPT

Team Members: 

Amy Guthrie (London, UK)
Radek Wałkuski (Warsaw, Poland)
Eric Mwobobia (Dublin, Ireland)
Vivianna Tanasi (Munich, Germany)
Paula Guedes (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Adiza Alhassan (Accra, Ghana)