About the Project

The impact and influence of the digital age on cities are vastly stronger today, where the term "smart city" has captured the imagination of many across the globe. The "smart city" represents a tectonic shift that is changing the city at all levels, from social life, levels and forms of connectivity, models of economy and governance to ways of working and communication.
Yet, at the heart of every city is culture. The built form of the city is the stage, actor and crucible of cultural change. Great cities are ones that bring together critical masses of creative people and enable new material, mediated and imagined paradigms to take shape and transform communities and civilization.
Culture | Smart City aims to shift the discourse towards foregrounding and recognising culture, creativity and community as integral components of the future resilient city. The "smart city" needs a jointly created vision of where to next.

Unspoken Values © Goethe-Institut | Illustration: Johanna Benz

Five major areas for discussion have emerged so far:

Changing Infrastructures and Environments
Digital technologies and data are transforming the material, cultural, social and political spheres of our urban environments. What kinds of infrastructures – hard and soft – will be needed for a thriving urban culture?

Shifting Practices, Spaces and Conditions for Cultural Production and Consumption
As cities become denser with information and everyday life becomes mediated life, the conditions for artistic and cultural production will also change.

Cultural and Communicative Responses to Urban Conundrums and Crises
The city is facing escalating crises and complex problems, including the challenge of living together with great diversity and difference and addressing the sustainability agenda.

Emergent Phenomena
People are experimenting with new media and digital technologies everywhere and all the time, giving rise to new, surprising and emergent ways to interact with data.

Open Category
The impact of smart urbanism is yet to be fully understood and we are open to creative as well as unexpected interpretations and perspectives of the broader project focus on the changing and future roles of culture in urban environments.

Project Initiative

Culture | Smart City is a multilateral and multi-disciplinary collaborative initiative by the EUNIC members in Singapore under the guidance of the Goethe-Institut Singapore.

Who is the Smart City for? © Goethe-Institut | Illustration: Johanna Benz The project aims to create a sustainable space for deep contemplation and imagination on urban cultural transformation from a smart city perspective through the development of a multi- and inter-disciplinary platform. In phase 1, we brought together international artists, researchers, activists and experts from varying fields across the globe to share their ideas and projects. In phase 2, we invite the public to join and shape the discourse through a series of digital and hybrid events.