sifrmu // WYSIWYNTK (2022)

From personal to public machines, sifrmu and its sub-projects look into what it means to consider the implications of humans and machines as a hybrid, in relation to an ever-expanding network of sensors and data aggregators in the city. Together, WYSIWYNTK speculates on augmenting the ways our personal data is registered/processed, rendering the desired data redundant in what it could potentially open up to in terms of monestisation.

© Charlotte Tan
sifrmu square

bani haykal

bani haykal experiments with text + music. As an artist, composer, and musician, bani considers music (making / processes) as a metaphor for cybernetics and his projects revolve around modes of interfacing and interaction in feedback / feedforward mechanisms. He is a member of b-quartet and Soundpainting ensemble Erik Satay & The Kampong Arkestra. Manifestations of his research culminate into works of various forms encompassing installation, poetry, and performance. His current project is an online public repository of canned laughter + applause based on research which looks into the histories of synthesizers relating to notions of artificiality.